Marco Weber

Background - 3 October, 2013
Marco is a member and coach of the Swiss mountaineering team at Greenpeace.
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Marco Weber

Age: 28

Marco lives in Switzerland and is a member and coach of the Swiss mountaineering team at Greenpeace. He also owns a small carpentry company. He has always loved to climb and as a child he strove to climb anywhere - up every tree, on every roof - until eventually his parents paid a club to teach him how to do it safely and professionally.

Marco has travelled extensively; to Iran and back by bicycle, to North and South America, Asia and Russia. Over the years, his nickname, Curly ("hruzeli" in Swiss German means "curly") became Crusoe, to reflect his adventurous spirit.

Marco feels that peaceful protest is necessary, right and important. He was compelled to join the trip to the Arctic by a personal sense of morality, to help make the world a better place, not a worse one. He wanted to show people back home what is happening in the Arctic.


Websites and Media

Detained Swiss Greenpeace activist defiant over Russia protestYahoo News