Write a letter to the editor

Background - 1 November, 2013
Shell and Gazprom's plan to drill in the Arctic threatens us all

Let Gazprom and Shell know their plans are backfiring: not only are people outraged by the aggressive response to peaceful activists, but now millions more people around the world are against drilling for oil in the Arctic.

Published letters will help keep scrutiny of Gazprom and Shell in the news. Send a letter or post comments to your local newspaper or business or environmental magazine today.

Things to remember:

  • Include your name, your address and phone number.
  • Limit to 400 words or less. Be concise.
  • Don’t use inappropriate language: using swear words is not effective.
  • When you get published, let us know by writing to .

Here are some points to consider:

  • The Arctic 30 took part in a peaceful protest at an Arctic oil platform to point to the threat we face if we drill for oil there, now they face the prospect of years in a Russian prison.
  • Shell and Gazprom have a multi-billion dollar deal to drill together in the Russian Arctic.
  • Gazprom asked the Russian authorities to intervene during a peaceful protest of their oil rig in the Arctic.
  • Gazprom and Shell have a key role to play in securing the release of the Arctic 30 so they can go home to their families.
  • Melting ice in the Arctic is not an opportunity for profit, it is a grave warning to us all.
  • The Arctic 30 are accused of hooliganism, which carries a maximum 7 year prison sentence - an absurd charge with no merit in truth or law. Their actions were safe and peaceful at all times.
  • The Arctic 30 are now prisoners of conscience, millions of people across the globe are demanding their release.
  • People on every continent, from scientists to politicians and energy experts say clearly and emphatically that drilling for oil in the Arctic is too risky, you can’t clean up an Arctic oil spill, we cannot afford to burn more fossil fuels.
  • Gazprom’s Arctic rig is an aging dangerous platform, their other Arctic rig has already sunk with the loss of 53 lives, and they have no idea how they’d clean up an Arctic oil spill.
  • The biggest threat Gazprom and Shell face is not Greenpeace, it is from something far more fierce and merciless, it is the threat we all face: droughts, floods, forest fires, hurricanes, typhoons and storms grow more disastrous with every season as a direct result of burning fossil fuels.
  • There is enough wind and solar energy to power the entire globe many times over, we must change course immediately, and turn to clean and renewable future, together.
  • The Arctic 30 held a peaceful protest to put a spotlight on a global concern, the world is asking for more reporting on their important message.
