erezinepic01b.gif This is a big week for the climate. According to the Live Earth website, 2 billion people are going to watch their concerts. That's awe inspiring. After the show, millions, even hundreds of millions, are going to be wondering, "what more can I do?"

In response, we're giving people the chance to take 7 steps towards saving energy - starting with changing their lightbulbs.

Yeah, sounds familiar, lots of people asking you to change your lightbulbs these days. But the 7 steps is different. We don't want you to just change your lightbulbs. We want your help to outlaw energy wasting lightbulbs.

With our planet facing a climate emergency is it right to still sell lightbulbs that waste over 90 percent of the energy they use as heat? I don't think so. Energy saving CFLs have been around for decades. They are up to five times more efficient than incandescent bulbs. CFLs have lovely light these days and start up at the flick of a switch. This is an easy one. Let's get it done and dusted.

So please, sign up to the 7 steps. Step 1 is about your lightbulbs, step 2 is about involving friends, step 3 is about your local community, step 4 is about challenging lightbulb manufactures, step 5 is about talking to retailers, step 6 is about demanding action from governments, step 7... Step 7 is a surprise - so I have to keep it secret for now. : )