Adidas spoof logo

We’re giving you the chance to redesign the Nike and Adidas logos to better reflect their truly toxic practices, help them see the error of their ways and challenge them to become champions of a toxic-free future.

A logo is one of the most important elements of a brand’s identity; they spend millions designing it, millions protecting it and millions plastering it anywhere they think it’ll be seen. They use it to indentify themselves to customers and strive to attach it to the values and qualities they want to be indentified with. 

But, all too often, the values that logo attempts to embody are terribly contradicted by the actions of the company itself. Nike and Adidas portray themselves as healthy, clean, ethical team-players; but, our ‘Dirty Laundry’ report and Detox campaign have exposed their truly unsporting behavior and the fact that they are playing with polluters in China who are releasing toxic, persistent and hormone disrupting chemicals into our rivers. 

So, our Dutch office thought it was time Nike and Adidas updated their logos to reflect their current toxic habits and to inspire them to show true leadership by working with their suppliers and eliminating all toxic chemicals from their products and production processes. Obviously, we can’t rely on them to be honest with themselves, so we thought you could show them how it’s done.

Check out Greenpeace Netherlands’s competition page to download the templates and start getting creative. If you need some inspiration, there is always the brands slogans and advertising to get the creative juices flowing; or, you can check out some of the current entries on the Facebook page. 

Good luck and happy designing.