As art, we hasten to add, in Switzerland.

From Reuters:

Greenpeace is seeking hundreds of volunteers willing to strip naked on a shrinking Swiss glacier next month for a photo shoot meant to raise alarm about global warming.

The environmental group said it hoped to attract as many people as possible to pose for U.S. photographic artist Spencer Tunick, who has previously staged mass nude photo shots in Mexico, Germany and Spain.

I don't mind sharing (just between you and I) that a few of the less inhibited folks from here at the International office are planing to go. No, no, don't be shocked. They'll take the train of course! Low CO2 footprint.

The message we want to get across is, "the human body is as vulnerable as a dying glacier". (That's from the press release.)

Although lots and lots of people are talking the talk on climate change, real change continues to be painfully slow. Some people are doing their bit in simple (clothes wearing) ways, like the 7 steps, while others want to make more of a statement. Some by even putting their bodies on the line (or in this case, on a glacier).

The photographer, Spencer Tunic (personal website, Wikipedia article), is world known for this sort of thing. He recently did a project here in Amsterdam. Sometimes I bike past one of his photos on the way to work.

If you want to be part of the Swiss glacier project, you can sign up on the Greenpeace Switzerland website. It's down at the moment though. Probably overwhelmed from all the attention this is generating. You can also sign up on Tunic's website.