A few days, one weekend, and and more than 40,000 emails later to the Japanese government, demanding an investigation - and it's working! Today the Tokyo District Public Prosecutor anounced that there will a full inquiry into Japan's whale meat scandal. We will, of course, be cooperating in every way possible to ensure that it is a full investigation of the companies involved and not simply just a way of scapegoating of a few individual crew members. In the meantime, Japan's government needs to suspend any further whaling permits to the Institute of Cetacean Research and and the whaling ship owners Kyodo Senpaku, and also end the the tax-payers' subsidy to the programme.

It was great news to hear this today - after a hectic week in Tokyo, I found myself back at home in Ireland. I'd not even poured my first coffee in the day when I had Brian on the phone to me, letting me know that that the investigation was going ahead. Kudos to the Tokyo team!

More news as we have it...

Earlier: Update on the whale meat scandal »

Blog: Stolen whale meat scandal rocks Japan