You've got to love journalist Greg Palast. You might not know who he is, but you damn know well the consequences of his work - he's the journalist, who, while working for the BBC, uncovered the voting fraud in Florida, during the 2000 US elections.

Now's he's just escaped proscution for filming Exxon’s Baton Rouge refinery - as Palast jokes, "I have sworn to Homeland Security that we no longer send our footage to al-Qaeda — which, in any case, can get a much better view of the refinery and other “critical infrastructure” at Google Maps."

He continues:

Of course, this was never about our tipping off Osama that Louisiana contains oil refineries. This has an awful lot to do with a petroleum giant’s sensitivity to unflattering depictions of their plants which are major polluters along Louisiana’s notorious “Cancer Alley.”

Read the full story on Greg's blog: Reporter Palast Slips Clutches of Homeland Security »

Greg Palast website »

Wikipedia: Palast »