Screenshots - old and newThanks for visiting.  This website is made for you. 

Specifically, this site is first and foremost for our supporters - that small percentage of people who not only wish the world was a better place, but are also ready to do something to make it a better place.

Sure, we're happy that the rest of you are visiting.  Whether you're a journalist looking for media contacts and press releases, a politician or business leader reading our publications, a blogger looking for the latest news or someone who's bored and just wants to see pretty pictures - we've got you covered.

Mainly though, we're interested in our supporters.  People who are helping (in ways very small and very large) with the work. 

And if a specific issue is your passion, I hope you like our new topic pages.  They collect the latest Greenpeace everything about a particular subject.

We've got lots of new features and improvements planed as well.  This is early days. So stay tuned.

Ideas and thoughts welcome, please add them in the comments. 

Any problems (bugs, things not working, etc) please . (Tip - Include the web address of the page where you saw the problem. Thanks!)

Good seeing you all here.  Hope you like your new site.