It’s official: Greenpeace didn’t say that the Greenland icecap would melt by 2030 - the BBC got it wrong. Yes - I know - this was something we pointed out last week.

The "Denyosphere" got somewhat hysterical, spinning the old line that we lied, got science wrong, etc. (And boy did they spin it – Michael Tobias has kindly listed all the blogs on it here.

But now we know we MUST be right. Why? Because the granddaddy of the climate denial industry, the Competitive Enterprise Institute (CEI), says we are. They must have read our blog – and they have concluded that we’re not lying.

It has warned other climate skeptics out there that they should desist from spreading untruths about us.

This is the CEI that got more than $2 million from Exxon before the company was forced to drop them. The CEI that coordinates the “Cooler Heads Coalition”, a collection of the most outspoken of the climate sceptic think tanks in the US, with the vast majority of them having received money from ExxonMobil and other big fossil fuel interests over the years (and who are currently lobbying against climate legislation in the US). The CEI that has caused massive damage with its 10 year, anti climate science ad campaigns, lobbying and fielding of “experts” on Fox news.

Oh and why did even Exxon drop them? This advert played a major role.

So when even the experts on lying about climate science say we’re not lying, I’d say we’re in the clear.

Cindy Baxter has been working with Greenpeace for more than 20 years and currently working on communications for the climate campaign at Greenpeace International.