Sunday 2 Dec 2007

by Woon SG-Thailand

The first thing for this morning was registering ourselves at the UNFCCC. In no time we received our identity card for the conference. Outside the registration camp, the giant thermometer was waiting to be set up. Yet, we faced a problem when a group of security guards came forwards with police dogs. It turned out that only registered people can enter the area and our set up teams were Balinese volunteers who were not registered. Thus, a few SG delegates stayed to help with the setting up instead; the rest of us, including me, stick to the initial plan and headed to the beach.

Set up process was done much faster today; everyone knew exactly what to do and even improved what we thought was missing from yesterday. Then, as the bands started playing, people gathered. The juices and hand printing remained very popular but there were some new things. We distributed postcards for people to write their messages to the UN delegates and we had the first polar bear wandering! People, even me, were very excited. Especially children, they came forward to play and take pictures with the bear. I myself was running around taking pictures of the bear and children on the beach with sun set as a background.



Photograph by Woon Pattamon Rungchavalnont

Looking at the sun set, I thought it was so beautiful. Indeed, every sun set is unique and beautiful in its own way; none of them is like others. Nature is after all the best creator. Tasting such beauty, it terrifies me when thinking about the raising sea level and the following land loss. It will be a tragedy not to have these wonderful beaches; they are gifts from nature which we have to save from our own hands.

The festival ended with sunset and success while the conference is about to start…tomorrow.