Crop Circles Appear on Three Continents

Feature story - 3 October, 2006
Huge crop circles in maize fields in Mexico, Spain and Philippines have appeared as we launch a global campaign to protect the home of maize from genetic contamination.

Greenpeace activists create a 60 metre "NO" crop circle in a maize field in Mexico demanding the Mexico Government reject the cultivation of genetically engineered maize in the country.

Mexico is the birthplace of maize, also known as corn, and around 200 different varieties grow in the country. Maize is one of the biggest food crops in the world and feeds hundreds of millions of people every day.

If genetically engineered (GE) maize is allowed to be released into the environment in Mexico, it could contaminate the natural genetic diversity of maize with unknown consequences. There has already been GE contamination of organic maize in Spain.

There is now increasing pressure on the Mexican Government from GE companies to allow for the growing of GE maize in Mexico.

  Take Action

The Greenpeace campaign is demanding that:
  • Governments around the world place a ban on the release of any GE crop or seed
  • Governments withdraw existing authorizations for both commercial and experimental growing of GE crops
  • Genetic contamination of crops must be cleaned up, with costs borne by biotech companies such as Monsanto, according to the "polluter pays" principle.

Zuera, Northern Spain - Activists mark a 50 metre crop circle with a ‘Prohibited’ sign at the site of a genetically engineered maize field trial. The GE maize field is only a short distance from commercial fields and poses a risk of contamination. (© Greenpeace/Pedro Armestre)

Manila, Philippines - Aerial view of a crop circle made by local farmers and Greenpeace volunteers in Isabela province, 300 km northeast of Manila. The crop circle, with a slash over the letter 'M' symbolizes farmer's rejection of genetically-modified Bt corn crops from Monsanto corporation.  (© Greenpeace/Melvyn Calderon)

Take Action

Send your message to the Mexican President and ask for Mexican maize to remain GE free.

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Help us keep our food GE free.