Export of Norwegian whale blubber a threat to human health

Feature story - 7 May, 2002
Research reveals that whale blubber stored in Norway awaiting export to Japan is unfit for human consumption. The samples of whale blubber studied by independent scientists in Germany are contaminated with various halogenated-organic contaminants such as PCBs, DDT and brominated flame retardants.

Ellingsen factory, biggest whale meat and blubber storage in Norway.

Japan and Norway have been discussing a resumption in whale trade following Norway's decision in January 2001 to lift its ban on whale exports. The decision was made despite the fact that this is in contradiction to the ban imposed by the Convention on the International Trade in Endangered Species on the trade of whale products.

The Fisheries Agency of Japan applied to the Trade Ministry for permission to import whale meat from Norway, but as yet no shipments have been made. Norway's decision to begin exporting whale meat and blubber to Japan has been fuelled by the desire of the Norwegian whalers to profit from the high prices paid for whale products on the luxury food market in Japan.

Thilo Maack, Greenpeace oceans campaigner, says it would be irresponsible of the Norwegian government to export whale blubber to Japan and irresponsible of the Japanese government to sell it for eating. "It is unfit for human consumption and should be disposed of safely. If someone ate a piece of whale blubber the size of my thumb, they would be dosing themselves many times over the advisory limits of some of the most toxic compounds known to humans."

Norwegian traders have stockpiled 1000 metric tonnes of whale blubber in cold storage waiting for export. Last year, the Japanese government had to put two hundred metric tonnes of unsold whale meat and blubber in storage due to the declining market for whale products in Japan.

The report confirms the fears of environmentalists and Japanese consumer groups that whale products are unfit for eating.

The presence of such toxic chemicals in whale blubber shows the extent to which our oceans are contaminated and underlines how vital it is that whales are protected from hunting and that the current international ban on trade remains intact. The status of the minke whales hunted by Norway is uncertain and these results show that whales are vulnerable to not only commercial whaling activities but also to wider environmental threats.

Download the complete report Evaluation of Contaminants in Meat and Blubber of Minke Whales