Greener Electronics Panasonic Ranking - 10th Edition

Publication - 24 November, 2008

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Executive summary: Panasonic increases its score to 5.1 points and rises up the ranking to 9th place from 11th, because it now scores maximum points for energy efficient products; 100% of External Power Supplies for mobile phones for the Japanese market, which are only sold in Japan, meet the Energy Star requirement and exceed it in no load mode by approx. 85%. For TVs 99.2% of its main models launched in 2005 meet Energy Star and 64% exceed by 50%; 100% of PCs launched since 2007 meet the latest Energy Star standard and 30% exceed. Panasonic discloses externally-verified greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from its own operations and commits to absolute reduction in emissions. It earns most of its points on chemicals issues; its many models of PVC-free products include DVD players and recorders, home cinemas, video players and lighting equipment. Panasonic gives two examples of products free of BFRs – fluorescent ceiling lamps and a kitchen lamp. Despite putting these PVC-free and BFR-free products on the market, Panasonic has yet to commit to fully eliminating all PVC and BFRs in its full product portfolio. The company scores poorly on all the e-waste criteria. Voluntary take-back so far does not cover all of Panasonic’s product groups but this will be partly addressed by voluntary take-back for TVs in the USA which will eventually be nationwide.
