PANASONIC - 11th position, 3.6/10

Panasonic falls back to 11th position in this edition of the Greenpeace Guide to Greener Electronics, with 3.6 points.

Panasonic’s performance in detail Download the company’s Scorecard (pdf)

Panasonic scores low on the Energy criteria. The company fails to  provide a comprehensive greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reduction and clean energy strategy. For more points, Panasonic must aim to achieve a 30% emissions reduction by 2015, and increase its renewable energy use to 100% by 2020. Panasonic receives points for making progress in reducing its GHG emissions and energy efficiency, and its use, however small, of renewable energy. Panasonic reports its GHG emissions from its own operations, which are externally verified, but does not report on business travel.

Panasonic scores slightly above average on Products. The company provides information about its warranties and replacement parts, as well as many examples of innovation to make its products last longer. Panasonic has many products that are free from polyvinyl chloride plastic (PVC), though it did not meet its goal to eliminate PVC and brominated frame retardants (BFRs) from its notebooks and mobile phones by the end of 2011, citing technical difficulty. Panasonic increased its reporting and score on recycled plastic, though it still needs to publish a long-term goal. It scores maximum points for the energy efficiency of its products.

For Sustainable Operations, Panasonic’s take-back programmes for obsolete products do not exist globally and do not yet cover all Panasonic’s product groups, although there is good coverage for its PCs. Panasonic has a detailed chemicals management programme, although there are some inconsistencies when compared to its commitments. The company has improved its conflict minerals policy and requests its primary component and material suppliers to verify the sources of minerals. Panasonic’s paper procurement policy falls short for not excluding suppliers that are involved in deforestation and illegal logging.

panasonic table

Panasonic's performance in detail: Download the company’s Scorecard here