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Nick Young

Nick has worked with Greenpeace for more than 10 years and is now Head of Digital at Greenpeace NZ.

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  • Thank you from Kumi

    Blogpost by Nick Young - June 23, 2011 at 11:57

    Global Greenpeace head Kumi Naidoo and his fellow activist Ulvar Arnkvaern have now been released from custody and are renewing their call for Cairn Energy to release it's Arctic oil spill response plan.

    In this video Kumi talks about how important it is that we continue the fight to protect the Arctic and how thankful he is for the support of the activists arrested before him and the many thousands of people putting their name to the cause. Read more >

  • Today Kumi Naidoo, the global head of Greenpeace, has been deported from Greenland after four days in jail for his part in a month of direct action on Cairn Energy's Arctic oil rig Leiv Eiriksson. 

    Kumi, like the other 20 activists arrested and deported in the past weeks, is banned from Greenland for one year - but this is far from over. As Kumi said, it is shaping up to be “one of the defining environmental battles of our age.”

    The Arctic is a global commons. It’s our duty as world citizens to come together to shield it from the ravages of oil exploitation and global warming, isolate it from the din of nationalist squabbling, and keep it safe for future generations.

    But, with the consent of Arctic nations, big oil seems poised to rush in. The need for oil is strong and the promise o... Read more >

  • Actions speak louder than words

    Blogpost by Nick Young - June 21, 2011 at 12:32

    Today eleven activists appear in a Danish court facing serious charges for a  simple act of protest in Copenhagen a year and a half ago, while Greenpeace International Executive Director Kumi Naidoo remains in a Greenlandic jail for his stand against Arctic oil drilling.

    Bearing witness and non-violent direct action are among the founding principles of Greenpeace. For 40 years, from pole to pole, on every continent and every ocean, Greenpeace has been bringing about change through these core values.
    Direct action can be spectacular and have immediate results - but bearing witness, while usually less dramatic, can have even more remarkable results.

    The power of bearing witness comes from the story it tells and the empowerment it brings to those who see the story, and then feel compelled to ac... Read more >

  • A Father's day letter for Kumi in jail

    Blogpost by Nick Young - June 20, 2011 at 12:50

    Kumi Naidoo - the international head of Greenpeace is currently in a Greenlandic jail following his stand against Cairn Energy's reckless oil drilling here in the Arctic. His daughter Naomi sent him this letter in jail for Father's day.

    Dear Dad,

    As my friends and flatmates go to visit their fathers on father's day, I am both proud and saddened to know that you are being held in custody in Greenland after standing up against the madness of Arctic oil drilling. Watching the videos of you braving the freezing water cannons to scale that massive Arctic oil rig, I can truthfully say that I will spend this father's day being proud to be your daughter.

    There are many reasons why I am glad you are my father. First, you made sure that as a child I became aware of issues of social, economic, gend... Read more >

  • Polar bear to starboard

    Blogpost by Nick Young - June 14, 2011 at 11:51

    We were trying to put two people ashore in Iqaluit - a small and isolated settlement on the East Coast of Canada. Why we were doing that is a story for another day but while we were there, something unforgettable happend.

    We  were drifting amongst the ice floes waiting for a break in the weather. The engines were silent and the fog was thickening around us when the cry went up - POLAR BEAR!

    As rare as they are, we’d actually seen one the previous day too. But it was in the distance,  between us and our navy escort, eating a seal. It may have been the same bear but this time came much closer.

    It was a few hundred meters away when we first spotted it coming steadily towards us through the maze of ice and water. It jumped the gaps where the ice floes weren’t touching in big splashing le...

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