One soggy, foggy Saturday morning - August 18th if I recall it all,
The good ship Tuna Swap sailed into Port Chalmers
On deck was fearless Niamh chief of the vollie tribe,
Simon, longtime outreach campaigner - first time tuna swapper,
Kaho a real greenie (she was new), a shark called Clark,
And myself - making up the bulk of the Dunners team.
We spoke to a good number of people who signed our petition
Sealord Change Your Tuna
And swapped more than a few cans of unsustainably caught tuna
For the Pams/Ceres Pole and Line caught.
The highlight of the day
Was crossing bows with an old salt
Who vehemently agreed that we should abolish the FAD
And was a Greenpeace supporter as well
I can still hear the albatross calling
Ban the FAD
As we undocked vessels and sailed for home.

Change Your Tuna activities are being run by Greenpeace volunteers around the country to let shoppers know that there are now more sustainable options when buying canned tuna. Sealord is not one of those options but you can send New Zealand's largest brand of canned tuna a message asking it to change to more sustainably caught tuna here.