Check out what Greenpeace has been up to. 

If you happen to watch TV, read newspapers or listen to the wireless, you'll probably know that 14 Greenpeace activists yesterday boarded a shipment of palm kernal in Tauranga, to protest the impact this animal-feed product is having on climate change. They prevented the ship unloading its cargo for 10 hours, before being cut down by police. 

The increased use of palm kernals for feed can be put down to the intensification of dairy farming in New Zealand. In order to put more and more cows on smaller and smaller pieces of land, and to drive output, Kiwi farmers on Fonterra farms are now using a quarter of the world's supply of this nasty stuff.


In order to produce it, you need to lop down a few South East Asian rainforests and displace a few local peoples.  

Read more about the issue and yesterday's non-violent-direct action on the Greenpeace blog

If we're serious about tackling climate change, and setting and reaching a 40% by 2020 target, we have to rethink the way we farm in New Zealand. It's just not what it once was. We are destroying our land and climate, and threatening our clean green reputation abroad. There are better ways to farm.