Day three and (nearly four!!) of occupying Shell's drillship the ´Noble Discoverer´. (What a pathetically ironic name.)

It's been a tough couple of days but I'm getting my second wind now - especially seeing how our action - seven kiwis sitting on a drillship - has caused such a roaring avalanche of disapproval to rain down on the big yellow Shell.

When we last talked to the team up at the Greenpeace office they told us this is essentially one of the  longest, if not the longest running direct actions in Greenpeace NZ history! That makes us proud because Greenpeace NZ has a long and proud history of direct action in defence of the planet.

It's not comfortable up here but our discomfort is a small sacrifice and well worth making to raise so much awareness about what Shell want to inflict on the Arctic and its people.

And thank you for all the wonderful messages of support - they are truly helpful. You sustain us more than muesli bars.

What an outrage that Shell claim they have the ability to clean up after a spill in the one of most stunning and inhospitable environments on this planet.

We are still being buffeted by strong winds but woke to a stunning sunrise and blue sky this morning. Our camp has been getting cosier each day. Solar panels placed to catch the sun and tarps deflect the wind. We have hammocks and sleeping bags filled with instant heat sachets, which takes most of the night chill off.

Our days are spent hanging banners in high winds, making the camp ship-shape or using various gadgets to upload these blogs and images. I've even done my first tweets ever!

We have a great team up here and between the seriousness of our campaign and keeping camp going we have many witty moments so spirits are high most of the time.

Stand up for what we all stand on!

From Ra at the occupied Shell drill ship.