Usually you volunteer because you are a firm believer in the cause, but in my case, I volunteered for Greenpeace out of curiosity.  I had no idea what Greenpeace does, but when I got involved, it became an insatiable want to contribute and to help. The Greenpeace mission has become mine, and their vision, my dream.

I am extremely passionate about environmental issues and being part of helping protect our natural world. By volunteering my time, skills and knowledge for Greenpeace, I am making a stand for what I believe in, I also strongly believe that the work we are doing will have a positive impact on our daily world today.

Where I come from we rely mainly for fish for food and livelihoods.  But a lot of fishing is being done by countries from afar, like Korea, and they create problems by overfishing Pacific fish stocks and destroying the Pacific Ocean.  It is also not just about the environment, but the economic benefit is so unevenly distributed:  the rich industrial fishing fleets gain a lot while people in the Pacific get their measly share of the income.

Because of this, there's much passion against such inequity amongst Greenpeace staff and volunteers, who tirelessly strive towards environmental justice.

Yesterday with activists from all corners of the planet, we blocked the entrance of Dongwon Industries headquarters, the largest Korean tuna company.  We put up banners with the messages saying "Dongwon, Korea No.1 Ocean Plunderer", "Korea Support Sustainable Fishing".

Hopefully, what we did will make the company reform their fishing policies towards something that's friendly to the environment and equitable to people in the Pacific islands.

Volunteering for Greenpeace is a rewarding experience. Every task and accomplishments brings me the satisfying feeling of knowing that what I do is for the good cause of making a more sustainable environment for the future.

Sevu Nasalasala, is a volunteer from Fiji.  Last year, he also joined the Esperanza tour in the Pacific ocean.