As i write this, I'm at the Kyoto Protocol negotiations waiting for the session to start. Looking at my phone, i see i have thousands of unread emails in my inbox. The information flow here is extraordinary - one or more email messages every minute during much of the day.

Today may prove to be very significant.  The chairs of both tracks in the negotiations released new text they think countries could use to negotiate.  It's a lot more streamlined text than before.  Everyone here is careful on strategy and the chairs of the negotiations aren't an exception.  It's clear they consulted before releasing the text and most countries are supporting the proposal to base negotiations on the text.  Australia is opposing the text though and I haven't heard what position New Zealand is taking.

Although the proposed text has flaws, it is a good basis for countries to negotiate, providing that they strengthen it in favour of preventing catastrophic climate change.  We'll have a clearer idea of what the different countries think in the next 12-24 hours.

I hope New Zealand does support using this text as a basis for negotiations; with improvements it's probably our best chance of a legally binding treaty.

Climate Change Negotiations Minister Tim Groser is here though I haven't had a chance to meet him yet.


Image: me in Copenhagen with my new friend.