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World leaders failed us at Copenhagen. They can still get it right and we must not let them fail. The future of 6.5 billion people is at stake. You are one of them. Sign On now.

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Stop climate change

Greenpeace is campaigning for climate solutions that will help us prosper without damaging the planet. By starting an energy revolution, protecting our forests and switching to smart farming we can protect our natural world for future generations.

Climate change is real. We're seeing the effects all around us - polar ice melting, sea level rising and extreme weather events. If we want to reduce the impact of climate change and have reliable energy sources, we must make changes, at a government and individual level.

Solutions to climate change and energy crises already exist - clean energy, energy efficiency and new environmentally sound technologies.

Greenpeace New Zealand's work to stop climate change and provide New Zealand with reliable energy includes:

With your help we can do more

The latest updates


What happens in the Arctic affects us all

Blog entry by Kirsten Thompson | June 8, 2016

The Arctic is a remote wilderness that is home to some of the most iconic, and threatened, wildlife on Earth, including polar bears, narwhal and Arctic foxes. Few of us have been lucky enough to explore the expanses of sea ice,...

Your voice will reach the Arctic

Blog entry by Pilar Marcos | June 3, 2016

If you're reading this, you're probably one of eight million people who dream of there being a sanctuary in the Arctic. And a year ago, you quite likely had a good feeling when you discovered that your voice, combined with others',...

Artivists take to the seas to save the Arctic

Blog entry by Mike Fincken | June 1, 2016

My name is Mike and was one of the three judges of the #SaveTheArctic poster competition. What an honour it has been! We've just chosen the top entries and soon I will meet the three lucky young winners; Anastasia, 21, from Russia;...

Budget 2016: If you don’t laugh you’ll cry.

Blog entry by Russel Norman | May 27, 2016

This budget shows that the Government’s fossil-fuel driven extractive industry based economic strategy is a slow moving train-wreck. After proclaiming in previous years that industrial dairy, coal, and oil would be the economic...

How well do you know the Polar Bear?

Blog entry by MeenaRajput | May 25, 2016

Since the very beginning of Greenpeace, our movement has been fighting to protect some of the world’s most vulnerable animals. And over the years, we’ve learnt some truly incredible things about the magnificent creatures we share this...

36 - 40 of 605 results.

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