Make Climate Justice a reality…

…by holding the big polluters to account for their contribution to catastrophic climate change.

Climate change is fueling extreme weather events that batter vulnerable nations like the Philippines—a country that is least responsible for the climate crisis—is facing the brunt of extreme weather events in the form of ferocious super typhoons or severe droughts.  It is high time to expose those responsible for climate change and hold them to account for their harmful activities that have taken a tremendous toll on humanity.

“Do you think it is correct that polluters never own up to their responsibility?”

We say NO.

 - Peruvian Farmer demanding that a German energy company, RWE, pay him compensation for its role in causing historical climate change

The United Nations has declared that the Philippines is “A Nation at Risk” , ranking it as the third-most vulnerable country in the world to climate change. The country is also oftentimes depicted as the poster child for the impacts of climate change with freakish super typhoons battering the country year on year, killing thousands, displacing millions and costing billions in damages. This is an injustice that should not be inherited by our children and future generations.

For a long time, no one could pinpoint who exactly is responsible for climate change and how to hold them accountable. This is no longer the case.

Climate Walk for Climate Justice in San Juanico Bridge, November 8, 2014Climate Justice seeks to challenge the influential role of the big polluters, alongside their host governments, for refusing to take responsibility for climate change, weakening political commitments, and hindering the implementation of required solutions to help mitigate and avert future catastrophes.

Just like the successful campaign in the US and elsewhere against the big tobacco companies that found themselves liable for harm caused by cigarettes, and exposed how these companies were deceiving the public (and policy makers) about the realities of scientific research on smoking, the Climate Justice campaign seeks to hold the big polluters to account for their contribution to the climate crisis.

These big corporate polluters have profited from climate change and now must be made to stop polluting the planet with their carbon emissions. Instead, they must contribute to making communities resilient and help pave the way for an Energy [R]evolution that is already underway.

The latest updates


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