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Ny forskarrapport om ozonlagret över norra halvklotet: I-länderna orsakar rekordstor ozonuttunning i norr

Pressmeddelande - 31 mars, 1995
Forskarnas färska rapporter om ett uttunnat ozonlager över norra halvklotet är oroväckande, anser Greenpeace. Särskilt som vetenskapsmännen betonar likheterna med ozonhålet över Antarktis. Här följer Greenpeace pressmeddelande, som kommenterar de uppgifter, som lämnades igår från SESAME (Second European Stratospheric Arctic and Mid-latitude Experiment)
* En alldeles ny video från ozonforskningen vid Esrange i Kiruna finns tillgänglig via bl a WTN och ReutersTV. * Här bifogas också 5-sidig sammanfattning av färska uppgifter från bl a FNs miljöorgan UNEP om effekterna av en ozonuttunning samt den aktuella situationen, när det gäller de politiska åtgärderna för att skydda ozonlagret.

LONDON, 31 March, 1995 -- (GP) The Northern hemisphere''s worst ozone damage on record, reported by the Second European Stratospheric Arctic and Mid-latitude Experiment (SESAME) late yesterday, demands immediate action to ban not only CFCs but all ozone depleting substances, Greenpeace said. Yesterday''s science panel report on Arctic ozone levels reported alarming thinning at some altitudes, as much as 50 percent less than those previously observed. On average, a 20-30 percent reduction in Arctic ozone levels was reported. Those living in Scandinavia and Siberia are particularly at risk.

- Although shocking, this new evidence comes as no real surprise since scientists have been predicting severe thinning of the Arctic ozone layer in addition to the continent- sized hole over Antarctic for years, said Greenpeace''s Tracy Heslop. It''s clear that the time to end ozone- depleting chemical use is now.

Greenpeace said this new ozone evidence could translate into a 40 to 60 percent increase in skin cancer as well as weakened immune systems for those in the Western Hemisphere unless countries cease their use of ozone depleting chemicals. These record levels highlight the inaction of industrialized countries to ban their use of ozone depleting chemicals, such as HCFCs (hydrochlorofluorocarbons), a chemical "alternative" to CFCs (chlorofluorocarbons) that is still an ozone destroyer. - Even with irrefutable evidence, industrialized governments are allowing industry to continue using ozone-destroying HCFCs for another 20 to 30 years, despite the safe alternative, hydrocarbons, now in use by a number of countries. Heslop said. It is industry and governments that bear the responsibility for these new findings and they must now become part of the solution.

The 10th anniversary of the Vienna Convention, which spawned the Montreal Protocol which oversees the phase-out of ozone depleting chemicals, will take place in November. So far, industrialized nations have refused to agree to strong measures to ensure the phase out of HCFCs and other ozone depleters besides CFCs. Ozone-depleting chemicals such as HCFCs are used in refrigeration, foam- blowing and as solvents. Scientists first confirmed the link between this type of chemicals and ozone destruction over Antarctica in 1985. In 1992, industrialized nations of the Montreal Protocol agreed to phase out HCFCs by the year 2030. European Union states moved this date forward to 2015. In 1993, with Greenpeace''s help, the first "Greenfreeze" hydrocarbon refrigerator, was produced in Germany--direct proof that ozone-depleting chemicals were unnecessary.