Our Ships
For more than 50 years, Greenpeace has been sailing the world’s oceans protecting our planet and fighting for environmental justice.

What do Greenpeace ships do

Greenpeace operates a fleet of ships dedicated to protecting the planet’s oceans and marine life.
Our ships are fundamental to Greenpeace campaigns, from obstructing nuclear tests in the Pacific to stopping illegal timber shipments in the Amazon. They conduct research, provide humanitarian aid, and collaborate worldwide to protect our oceans.
These ships also serve as platforms for education and advocacy. They host workshops, training sessions, and public events to engage communities, inspire activism, and foster a global movement for environmental protection.
Our ships

Arctic Sunrise
Explore the Arctic Sunrise, originally designed as an icebreaker, that conducts scientific research on biodiversity in the world’s coldest region.
Our ships document the marine ecosystems and biodiversity at risk from more oil & gas
From the Gulf of Mexico and the Argentine Sea to North West Australia, communities living on the frontlines of oil & gas production are paying an unbearable price: they lose their homes, their health and income. They lose their heritage and culture.
Greenpeace ships have sailed across three seas to research marine ecosystems and biodiversity that are threatened by an expanding fossil fuel industry.
Watch the stories from campaigners on board the Arctic Sunrise, the Rainbow Warrior and the Witness and join the movement to protect our oceans, stop all new fossil fuel projects and demand climate justice NOW.
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Together we are part of a growing, global movement determined to bring about the changes our planet desperately needs.