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Powering up a welfare home
In a humble welfare home in Sabak Bernam, about 21 children now have a brighter future with solar energy, a project initiated by Greenpeace Malaysia.
5 reasons why ‘natural’ (fossil) gas is no better than oil and coal
Just because natural gas has the word ‘natural’ in it, doesn’t mean that it is safe for the planet, people and the climate.
End the renewable energy credit greenwash
An open letter to the Bursa Carbon Exchange regarding Murum Dam renewable energy credits.
10 Questions on Waste-To-Energy
Despite facing protests from concerned citizens, the Malaysian government is determined to build mega Waste-to-Energy (WtE) facilities.
Malaysia’s Waste-to-Energy plans are a wasted opportunity
Malaysia has a mounting waste problem. But it seems the Malaysian government only wants to treat the symptoms, not the disease with their unproven short-term and temporary approaches which will not fix the underlying problem primarily caused by single-use or throw-away culture.
5 Tips on the Art of Slow Living
Slow living is a lifestyle change that encourages us to embrace a slower pace with intentional actions in various aspects of our lives. Here are some tips on how you can save cost and protect the planet at the same time.
Sahabat Alam Malaysia and Greenpeace Call for Genuine Reform of the Energy Sector, No To Nuclear Power Pathway
Sahabat Alam Malaysia and Greenpeace Call for Genuine Reform of the Energy Sector, No To Nuclear Power Pathway
GE15: Flash Floods & Our Politicians
Greenpeace Malaysia has been conducting an in-depth study on what the Malaysian MPs have said in parliament and in the media on environmental topics between 2018 to 2022.
Greenpeace action highlights the need for strong climate stance among incoming leaders
Early today, volunteers and activists from Greenpeace Malaysia delivered an important message to the nation’s future leaders by unfolding a 30m x 30m banner that read, “Vote4Climate” and “Undi Iklim”.