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List of Malaysia’s Environmental Friendly Shops You Can Patron
We're always looking out for stores and spaces that are environmentally friendly. We've curated a list so you can visit them and check them out!
10 tips to eat more plant-based food (or even go vegan)
Thinking of going more vegan or vegetarian for the climate? Good news! There’s never been a better time to start on the path to a predominantly plant-based diet.
Celebrating heritage and green practices on Merdeka Day
Curious about how our cultural traditions can tackle today’s environmental challenges? Malaysia's rich tapestry of traditions brings cherished memories and cultural practices reveal powerful lessons in sustainability. From the architectural ingenuity to Feng Shui and Ayurvedic farming wisdom, discover how these time-honoured practices of our heritages are inspiring fresh environmental solutions today
Red List Fish
Greenpeace's seafood Red List is a scientifically compiled list of 22 marine species that, for a variety of reasons, should not be made commercially available.
Memupuk nilai kesederhanaan di bulan Ramadhan disamping menghargai alam
Dalam memupuk keberjayaan sesuatu amalan, terdapat dua elemen penting iaitu langkah kecil yang mudah dipraktikkan dan konsisten.
Inspirasi dan tip untuk tema cabaran mingguan
Senarai tema cabaran mingguan yang komprehensif untuk membimbing tindakan kita ke arah gaya hidup yang lebih hijau.
4 Cara untuk Ngam Dengan Alam Ramadhan Ini!
Apakah erti Ramadan? Bagi umat Islam di seluruh dunia, Ramadan adalah masa untuk bertaqwa dan muhasabah diri. Bagi saya, bulan ini lebih daripada setakat menahan diri daripada makan dan minum…
Panduan ke Arah Kesedaran Eko Ramadhan
Bulan Ramadan membolehkan kita memfokuskan minda mereka terhadap pengabdian diri, lebih terdorong dan berkeinginan untuk melakukan amal soleh.
5 Tips on the Art of Slow Living
Slow living is a lifestyle change that encourages us to embrace a slower pace with intentional actions in various aspects of our lives. Here are some tips on how you can save cost and protect the planet at the same time.