
專題報導 - 2018-04-19

Hands Across the Sand event in Nelson. HATS is an international event that raises awareness about the dangers of being reliant on oil. It also asks people to consider cleaner options. Originating in Florida in gained international support after the Deepwater Horizon oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico in 2010 with event held in more than 40 countries on 18 May, 2013.


她是上任不足半年的總理阿德恩(Jacinda Ardern)。

是姿態?預示?抑或希望?4月12日,阿德恩在維多利亞大學學生面前宣布,停止批出海上石油與天然氣鑽探許可:「我們可以成為實現『碳中和』(carbon neutral)的全球領袖。這是我們有欠後代,更甚是有欠您們的。」


「反對鑽油」項目奮戰7年換來豐碩成果,種種悲喜,從何說起?2010年4月,美國墨西哥灣Deepwater Horizon深海鑽油台大爆炸,漏油情況持續87日,11名工人不幸罹難,並釀成嚴重生態災難。就在油污未除、民眾猶有餘悸之時,紐西蘭政府6月竟向巴西石油公司Petrobras批出東角(East Cape)對開海域的5年鑽油許可,涉及範圍多達12,000平方公里。

Greenpeace volunteers cover themselves in 'oil' at Muriwai beach to send a strong message to the Government to stop its plans for the drilling of new deep water oil wells off New Zealand's coast.

來自奧克蘭與威靈頓的行動者,以「石油」塗抹身體,控訴政府漠視氣候變化與鑽油風險,並吹響戰鬥號角。2011年4月,綠色和平與民眾響應東角部落Te Whānau-ā-Apanui呼籲,偕同7艘船組成的小隊阻撓Petrobras的勘探工作。為期42日的抗爭,有行動者攔截勘探船航道,高舉「停止深海鑽油」橫額;亦有原住民漁船擋在地震勘探爆破(Seismic blasting)船隻前方,堅守屬於全人類的陣地:「我們不會離開。我們要在這裏捕魚。」

The seismic survey vessel Orient Explorer bears down on Greenpeace inflatibles attempting to force the ship off course during protest action against deep sea oil drilling off East Cape. Sunday April 10, 2011Photo: Greenpeace/Malcolm Pullman




Guests at the Oil on Canvas exhibition at a temporary gallery space at 2 Queen St, Auckland. The images on display were created using two of the estimated 20,000 birds killed by the oil spill that came from the grounded cargo ship the Rena, and a cupful of bunker oil that came from the wreck. While the Rena leaked 350 tonnes of oil, a blowout on a deep sea oil rig, could result in a spill a thousand times worse. Greenpeace NZ is campaigning against the creation of a deep sea oil industry in New Zealand. The exhibition, and creation of the prints, was organised by Greenpeace, in conjunction with the advertising company Publicis Mojo. It is running until Friday December 16.



「行動帶來改變」的信念,始終不倒。2013年11月,在民間船隊四周護航下,打過連場反核硬仗的綠色和平快艇SV Vega,與Anadarko船隻展開5天周旋,行動獲得當地原住民社群認可。翌年2月,多位原住民領袖與Anadarko船員直接對話,將憂慮與訴求坦誠相告;12天後,Anadarko終以鑽油計劃失敗為由,宣布撤出紐西蘭海域!



10 April 2017  - Three Greenpeace activists including Greenpeace NZ executive director Russel Norman swam in front of the 125m Amazon Warrior nicknamed 'The Beast' which is conducting offshore oil exploration vessel off the New Zealand coast on behalf of Statoil and Chevron. The swimmers’ position forced the oil exploration ship to halt its operations and deviate off course.They were 50 nautical miles off the Wairarapa coast and got their aboard Greenpeace NZ's new crowdfunded boat Taitu.To find oil, the Amazon Warrior is using seismic cannons to blast the seafloor with soundwaves every eight seconds, day and night. It needs to travel in straight lines along a grid to get data about potential oil reserves, and any deviation makes this data unusable.

2016年底,為多間石油企業效勞、又名「野獸」(The Beast)的全球最大地震勘探爆破船Amazon Warrior,正式駛進紐西蘭海域。經過遞交80個原住民社群、6萬位民眾聯署反對一切在紐西蘭海域的爆炸勘探訴求無果,翌年4月,綠色和平紐西蘭辦公室總幹事Russel Norman等3位行動者,以身軀阻止「野獸」前航,進行地震爆炸勘探,至今仍因違反「Anadarko修正案」而官非纏身,但連同7年期間多項獨立調查與科研實證,一點一滴集結力量,終促成重大勝利!

More than 200 people descended on New Zealand’s largest oil industry conference in Auckland and blocked its entrances as part of a Greenpeace-organised demonstration of peaceful civil disobedience. It‘s the first time in New Zealand that Greenpeace has invited the general public to take civil disobedience action en masse. Photo:  Greenpeace/Nigel Marple


阿德恩政府的新政策,確保超過400萬平方公里、相等約5萬個香港島面積的專屬經濟區(Executive Economic Zone),毋須蒙受新增鑽油傷害。而石油企業亦必須重新審視,應否繼續擴展業務。至於已批出31個為期10至26年的鑽探石油許可,包括22個離岸許可,以及塔拉納基(Taranaki)地區的陸上鑽油及勘探則不受此限。儘管有石油大亨聲稱此舉將損害紐西蘭經濟,但該國可再生能源行業提供多達25,000個就業機會,足以實踐「工運轉型」,而及早應對氣候變化,亦可為紐西蘭帶來300億美元經濟收益。

就像1987年抗衡軍事大國頒布「無核」政策,紐西蘭再次展現將民眾利益放在首位的無比勇氣與領袖風範,讓民眾深感自豪。綠色和平紐西蘭辦公室總幹事Russel Norman表示:「阿德恩總理與聯合政府踏出歷史一步,為氣候帶來重大突破。這是您我與成千上萬紐西蘭民眾經年努力,尋求中止新石油及天然氣勘探的勝利。」

