
專題報導 - 2006-12-20


Lead singer Xiao Wei in front of his band "Catcher in the Rye" is photographed at the Greenpeace 'Paradise Forest' courtyard house in Beijing. The singer will be travelling to Papua New Guinea as a volunteer from May 11th to May 23th to support the efforts of the Greenpeace team currently based in the Rainforest. Greenpeace along with the volunteers have been invited by the Kuni local people of Papua New Guinea to assist in the demarcation of their land.

Lead singer Xiao Wei in front of his band "Catcher in the Rye". is photographed at the Greenpeace 'Paradise Forest' courtyard house in Beijing. The singer will be travelling to Papua New Guinea as a volunteer from May 11th to May 23th to support the efforts of the Greenpeace team currently based in the Rainforest. Greenpeace along with the volunteers have been invited by the Kuni local people of Papua New Guinea to assist in the demarcation of their land.

Lead singer Xiao Wei in front of his band "Catcher in the Rye". is photographed at the Greenpeace 'Paradise Forest' courtyard house in Beijing. The singer will be travelling to Papua New Guinea as a volunteer from May 11th to May 23th to support the efforts of the Greenpeace team currently based in the Rainforest. Greenpeace along with the volunteers have been invited by the Kuni local people of Papua New Guinea to assist in the demarcation of their land.

Lead singer Xiao Wei in front of his band "Catcher in the Rye". is photographed at the Greenpeace 'Paradise Forest' courtyard house in Beijing. The singer will be travelling to Papua New Guinea as a volunteer from May 11th to May 23th to support the efforts of the Greenpeace team currently based in the Rainforest. Greenpeace along with the volunteers have been invited by the Kuni local people of Papua New Guinea to assist in the demarcation of their land.

Lead singer Xiao Wei in front of his band "Catcher in the Rye". is photographed at the Greenpeace 'Paradise Forest' courtyard house in Beijing. The singer will be travelling to Papua New Guinea as a volunteer from May 11th to May 23th to support the efforts of the Greenpeace team currently based in the Rainforest. Greenpeace along with the volunteers have been invited by the Kuni local people of Papua New Guinea to assist in the demarcation of their land.


陳慧琳--難逃一熱 Kelly Chan--Escape the heat







香港的流行女子二人組合at17在了解到天堂雨林的危機後,親赴天堂雨林觀察體驗。 短暫的行程中,她們經歷了最貼近原始的生活,沒有電視、空調,必須在帳蓬內與蝙蝠、蟑螂同眠……但是她們感觸頗深:她們原本和其它忙碌的城市人一樣,總覺得原始森林面臨的危機遙不可及。從天堂雨林歸來,她們才發覺,森林、環保原來近在咫尺。

at17把自己的所見所聞帶回香港,希望喚起市民對保護原始森林的認識。她們說:"環保並非沉重之事,而是所有人的責任。面對不公平的事情,我們應該堅決SAY NO!眼見天堂般的國度正在消失,拯救她已是刻不容緩!" 僅僅數天的旅程,已經改變了兩人的觀念。現在,她們會自備筷子、餐盒和杯子,不再使用一次性餐具。

年初,我們在北京建立"天堂雨林拯救站",展開了保護森林的大規模活動。 "麥田守望者"樂隊派出主唱蕭瑋作為代表,遠赴天堂雨林,與原住民一起保護那片珍貴的原始森林。

回國後,他們以"森林守望者"的身份,身著寫有"SAVE THE PARADISE FORESTS"字樣的服裝,走遍各地,為保護森林 巡迴演唱。雖然蕭瑋坦承,僅僅用一首歌來濃縮在天堂雨林的感受,唱出對自然的熱愛,實在太難!但他最終創作了歌曲《綠色》,傾訴那片土地上綠色的生命帶給他的震撼和憂傷。

當然,不是人人都可以像"麥田守望者"和at17那樣,能夠親赴天堂雨林,可是仍有明星在力所能及地貢獻自己的力量,最近,香港歌星陳慧琳義務為綠色和平拍攝了 "阻止氣候變化"短片,呼籲大家關注全球氣候暖化危機。


此外,來自美國的Penny Loafers樂隊,香港的Hayden singers,內地的蝌蚪合唱團、北京大學的新青年合唱團,聯袂唱響 北大綠色和平阿卡貝拉音樂會,葉蓓、汪峰、小柯和朱哲琴等歌星也都拍攝了短片,為電子產品的綠色未來呼喊助威。


