We have an opportunity to adopt an energy solution that is sustainable and safe – and that would help address the affordability and climate crises at the same time. Say hello to your new HEAT PUMP.

It seems like every year, we're breaking more and more world records for extreme weather events and climate disasters. Despite this, global leaders are dragging their feet when it comes to implementing effective climate solutions to address the urgent climate crisis. 

This is where the heat pump comes in. A heat pump uses technology similar to that found in a refrigerator or an air conditioner. Because most of the heat is transferred rather than generated, heat pumps are 3-5 times more efficient than traditional gas boilers. [1] This means they can heat and cool your home at a fraction of the cost - and with a tiny fraction of the pollution - that comes from using gas or oil-fired furnaces. They free us from reliance on expensive and polluting fossil fuels. Not convinced? You can do the math yourself to see how a heat pump could help you save some money on your bills

Heat pumps can replace both an air conditioner and a furnace and they don’t use fossil fuels – making them the most environmentally friendly heating and cooling option today.

Just last year, the government of Prince Edward Island announced that they would be expanding their Net Zero Free Heat Pump Program in 2024, offering the opportunity for Islanders with an annual household net income of $100,000 or less to potentially receive a free heat pump for their home.

Prime Minister Trudeau's government has just canceled its incredibly successful Greener Homes Grant Program to help people put climate solutions like heat pumps in their homes [2]. The program was a great first step, but the government needs to cough up the cash to make sure everyone - including renters - can access real climate solutions for their homes, starting with those who can least afford them and will benefit the most from the energy bill savings. 

Insiders are saying there is an opportunity now [3]. Together we can turn this hope into a reality by making sure that Trudeau hears from people across Canada who want climate solutions to be implemented. And not just for oil furnaces, but for everyone who is currently dependent on fossil fuels to keep their home warm in the winter and cool during the ever-more extreme heat waves that result from climate change.

It’s imperative that we actively advocate for solutions to mitigate the most severe impacts of climate change. Add your name and demand that our government provide affordable, modern heat pumps, starting with those hardest hit by the cost to heat and cool their homes. 


[1] https://www.iea.org/reports/the-future-of-heat-pumps/how-a-heat-pump-works  

[2] https://natural-resources.canada.ca/energy-efficiency/homes/canada-greener-homes-initiative/canada-greener-homes-initiative-february-2024-update/25669 

[2] https://www.theglobeandmail.com/business/article-energy-program-low-income-households/

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