Our future of food
Imagine a New Zealand where the way we farm can clean up the rivers, tackle the climate crisis and make sure everyone has access to fresh, healthy food.
Right now there are people across Aotearoa who are using ecological farming methods to produce healthy food for today and tomorrow.
These are people who use present day solutions of regenerative agriculture, ecological farming, Hua Parakore and organics. They’re protecting soil, water and climate, and encouraging biodiversity while feeding us all.
Meet some of the people across Aotearoa who are using ecological farming methods to produce healthy food for today and tomorrow.
Meet the people working towards a food system that protects the soil, the water and the climate
Food and farming: What’s the problem and how do we fix it? | |
Everyone deserves fresh, healthy food grown in a way that’s good for our climate, rivers, wildlife and communities.
Yet industrial dairying is risking all that. Dairy cattle produce a quarter of the country’s climate warming greenhouse gas emissions, and most of this is the superheating gas, methane.
Fonterra is New Zealand’s biggest climate polluter. The dairy giant and its lobbyists are pushing back on action that will make our food systems more resilient, farmers happier, and the land healthier. That needs to change.
We’re calling on the Government to support farmers to shift to a different approach to farming. Together let’s urge the Government to ramp up support to help farmers transition to regenerative, ecological and organic methods that work with nature.
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