Actions-Warehouse Internship (DC)

A major component of all Greenpeace activities is the groundwork and support provided through our equipment centers. Tools and props, as well as climbing, communications, and boating gear used are purchased, stored, and maintained in this space, as are all Greenpeace boats and vehicles. These spaces are used for trainings, banner-making, and prop-building.

Operating these multifunctional spaces requires in-house support of all sorts, from general cleaning, trash, and recycling to maintenance of expensive and complex equipment, to general office support with general office equipment, as well as constant work with volunteers, vendors, and contractors to ensure that all of the above happens.

There are slow times and very busy times.  During very busy times there can be a constant running to shops for widgets, long hours of building and shipping to various teams in the field or other offices.  Everything that’s built, bought, shipped, and/or loaned must also be recovered, inventoried, tested, repaired, sold or stored.  During slow times there is the constant effort to keep the space usable, organized, and clean.

As an Action Team intern you will gain hands-on experience organizing, coordinating, and participating in hard-hitting activities supporting environmental campaigns with the Greenpeace Action Team. Through your internship, you will build expertise on a variety of environmental issues and help promote Greenpeace’s efforts to stop the global warming crisis, halt the destruction of the world’s last ancient forests, stop the dangers of nuclear proliferation, and hold multinational corporations accountable.

Responsibilities and qualifications:

The IDEAL candidate will know that there is very seldom an ideal candidate as defined by a sheet of paper and a list of criteria.  They’ll be motivated and willing to learn, and willing to do non-glamorous work punctuated by a variety of interesting functions.  Additionally, they will have some/much knowledge of boats, boating, trailering, DMV/MVA, climbing, USPS and shipping, and all/any of the other activities mentioned above.  They’ll be artistic and handy with tools and building.

The ideal candidate might not know all of the OSHA regulations, but they’ll know what OSHA stands for, and they’d know why open-toed shoes or dangling scarves aren’t proper attire in some situations.

The Actions Intern will split time between the DC office and our equipment center in Landover, MD. Day-to-day tasks will greatly vary depending on which projects need prioritizing.

The ideal candidate will at least understand that there are vegetarians and vegans, and why. They’ll have an understanding of environmental issues, if not an undying love for the environment and complete commitment to every Greenpeace campaign.  At the same time, they’ll understand that a ride in a V10 hog is sometimes necessary to attain certain goals.  They’ll also be honest, direct, and frank.  They’ll be open to positive and negative feedback – giving it and receiving it. They will have a commitment to non-violence as a means of effecting change.

Due to insurance policies the ideal candidate will be at least 21 years old, with a valid and clean driver’s license. The ideal candidate will also be able to make a commitment of a minimum of three months.

Skills You May Learn

  • Boating
  • How to delegate tasks
  • Banner making
  • Climbing
  • Driving a rig


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