A water shortage in Arizona, record heat waves in the Pacific Northwest, and deadly storms like Hurricane Ida. People and wildlife are already suffering the consequences of the climate crisis. But this is nothing compared to what we’re leaving future generations if these trends continue. It’s time to stop the destruction. It’s time to create our clean energy future.
Fossil fuels — coal, oil, and natural gas — are major contributors to climate change, accounting for the majority of polluting emissions.
Fossil fuels are also poisoning our air, water, and soil. Air pollution from fossil fuels killed 8.7 million people globally in 2018. Pollution from natural gas infrastructure — including pipelines, drilling sites, and processing plants — has increased the risk of cancer for 1 million Black Americans. It has also contributed to 138,000 asthma attacks and 101,000 lost school days for Black children.
The story we are told over and over again by the fossil fuel industry insists that the world they built and now control is inevitable. We see a different future — one built on clean, renewable energy — and together we can create it. A 100% renewable energy future is within reach, and it’s our best chance for a livable planet where our communities not only survive, but thrive.
Join the Energy Revolution
Technological advances mean that renewable sources like wind and solar are now the cheapest forms of energy in many parts of the world. With smart policies and smart investments, we can safely phase out fossil fuels and build an economy that runs on 100% renewables.
Transitioning to renewable energy is good for both the environment and the economy. Climate-fueled disasters cost the global economy $150 billion in 2019 alone. Between 2010 and 2019, the United States experienced 119 climate disasters that each caused damages of $1 billion or more. These numbers will continue to grow as long as we continue to burn fossil fuels.
American workers will also benefit from a renewable energy transition. We have a better chance at creating millions of good-paying, stable, union jobs with renewable energy than we do with fossil fuels. The solar industry already employs more people than coal mining and wind energy is cheaper than coal power in many U.S. states.
Fully powering the U.S. on renewable energy and solidifying our energy independence is a significant piece of the puzzle, but the numbers show that we must also stop exporting our dirty fuels to other countries.
We have a real chance at building a cleaner energy system in time to avoid the worst impacts of climate change. Big companies like Apple and Google are setting great examples, committing to 100% renewable energy and making record-breaking investments in wind and solar. Across the country, everyday Americans are joining the energy revolution through projects like community solar.
We need to keep this momentum going.
Together we can build a United States beyond fossil fuels that is powered entirely by renewable energy.