Senators Boxer and Sanders show climate leadership

February 14, 2013

Washington DC - On the heels of President Obama's call to action in his State of the Union address and the arrest of more than 40 environmental, civil rights, and community leaders at a protest of the proposed Keystone XL tar sands pipeline, Senators Boxer (D-CA) and Sanders (I-VT) have introduced the first serious climate legislation since cap and trade failed to pass the Senate in 2009. The bill would put a $20/ton fee on the dangerous carbon pollution driving climate impacts like Hurricane Sandy, raising trillions of dollars to offset any impact on consumers and create new investment in renewable energy sources.

Greenpeace Climate Campaign Director Gabe Wisniewski remarked, “After years of our leaders in government failing to even acknowledge the overwhelming threat of climate change, this bill restarts critical momentum toward solutions. The legislation on its own would not be sufficient to address the rapidly unraveling climate system, but it represents the kind of leadership that we so desperately need in Washington. We hope other leaders in Congress will wake up to the reality of the climate threat, and the huge economic opportunities before us if we take action now.”

Additional measures are being considered that would roll back some of the billions of dollars in subsidies that have flowed to the fossil fuel industry, keeping it afloat despite the economic competitiveness of energy efficiency and renewable resources like wind and solar.

Contact: Joe Smyth, Greenpeace Communications, 831-566-5647, [email protected]

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