ACLU Sues FBI on Behalf of Greenpeace and Other Organizations

July 6, 2010

The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) filed a lawsuit in federal court today, charging that the FBI is wrongfully withholding information about its investigations of peaceful organizations. The lawsuit seeks to compel the Justice Department to comply with Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests that the ACLU filed last year for records kept on a wide range of human rights, peace, environmental and religious groups and activists, including Greenpeace.

“We are grateful to the ACLU for exposing the FBI’s unjust
spying on public interest organizations,” said Tom Wetterer,
general counsel for Greenpeace.  “The FBI’s investigations,
compounded by its nondisclosure, are abuses of power that have
become the norm under the Bush regime. These tactics are not only
an attempt to stifle the free speech activities of groups like
Greenpeace, but also threaten the civil liberties of all

The ACLU charges that the FBI and local police are engaging in
intimidation based on political association and are improperly
investigating individuals and nongovernmental organizations.  In
December 2004, the ACLU filed FOIA requests on behalf of more than
100 parties. To date, fewer than 20 pages have been received in
response to the FOIAs.  Today’s lawsuit was filed on behalf of five
plaintiffs:  Greenpeace, the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination
Committee, People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, United for
Peace and Justice and the ACLU itself.

The ACLU said that the few documents received shed light on the
FBI’s misuse of Joint Terrorism Task Forces (JTTF) to engage in
political surveillance.  The controversial JTTF partnerships
between the FBI and local police, in which local officers are
“deputized” as federal agents, are allowing police to target
peaceful political and religious groups with no connection to

In July 2003, the Bush administration brought criminal charges
against Greenpeace for a peaceful protest against the importation
of illegal mahogany.  The case represented the
first time ever that an organization was criminally prosecuted for
the free speech activities of its supporters.  A federal judge
threw out the charges during trial in May 2004.

A classified FBI intelligence
disclosed publicly in November 2003 revealed that
the FBI has actually directed police to target and monitor lawful
political demonstrations under the guise of fighting terrorism.

For more on the ACLU lawsuit go to

Other contacts: Nancy Hwa, Greenpeace media officer
(202) 319- 2432

Exp. contact date: 2005-06-18 00:00:00

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