BREAKING: Investigation Reveals DAPL Company Paid Mercenaries for Standing Rock Conspiracy Research

TigerSwan Involved in Fake Social Media, Paid Infiltration, & Discredited Conspiracy Mongering

November 15, 2017

November 15 – A new story at The Intercept has revealed that, beginning in late 2016, Energy Transfer Partners began paying the private security firm TigerSwan to build a conspiracy case against Greenpeace and others using fake social media accounts, debunked right-wing talking points, and infiltration of protest camps by paid operatives.

Nearly a year later, in August 2017, Trump’s go-to law firm, Kasowitz Benson Torres, filed a 900 million dollar RICO SLAPP suit against Greenpeace and others on behalf of Energy Transfer Partners. The Intercept investigation shows that Energy Transfer Partners and TigerSwan are using the same meritless playbook to attack and silence their opponents.

In response, Greenpeace General Counsel Tom Wetterer said:

“This story reveals how TigerSwan used Standing Rock as a failed spy laboratory at the expense of the community and its allies. TigerSwan invaded privacy and grossly distorted the truth to build its corporate mercenary profile. This isn’t a surprise, considering TigerSwan is the same paramilitary outfit that acted as the cudgel of Energy Transfer Partners to attack Water Protectors at Standing Rock as they defended environmental and human rights. That TigerSwan is trying to expand its client list is consistent with its work as a corporate mercenary, willing to market nefarious services for a buck any way it can. That there’s a market for this work in the first place is an alarming reminder of the threat democracy is under from corporate and governmental abuses of power.

“These new revelations show even more clearly that this lawsuit is a work of fiction which grossly distorts the law and the facts of Standing Rock.  We will win the lawsuit, but that’s not what this is about for Energy Transfer Partners. This report makes clear once again that ETP is trying to silence future protests and advocacy work against the company and other corporations who threaten environmental and human rights.  These corporate bullies should know we will not be silenced; our resistance will only grow stronger.”

For further information, contact Travis Nichols 206.802.8498

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