Cape Wind, not offshore drilling, is the clean energy future America deserves

July 6, 2010

Kert Davies, Research Director at Greenpeace, in response to Interior Secretary Ken Salazar’s announcement today that the Cape Wind offshore wind project will be allowed to move forward to construction after nearly a decade of debate and deliberation:

“Today’s announcement that Cape Wind is moving forward is an enormous step forward toward America’s clean energy future and the fight to solve global warming.  It is a shot of welcome good news in the face of climate and energy policy confusion in Washington and an oil spill of epic proportions in the Gulf.  Greenpeace has been campaigning to get the Cape Wind project built for nearly a decade, and today’s victory is worth celebrating. It it long overdue.

There could be no clearer direction for America’s energy future and global warming leadership, and Greenpeace is calling upon President Obama to think twice about his recently announced plans to open the door to more risky offshore drilling and to prioritize renewable energy projects like Cape Wind instead.

Cape Wind is the keystone project that we hope kickstarts America’s clean energy future-real action to replace the rhetoric, and an example of making a large-scale renewable energy project work for a community, and installing global warming solutions that show US leadership.

Instead of pursuing expansion of dangerous offshore oil drilling that will do nothing to solve our oil addiction, America should be investing our time and money in renewable energy and global warming solutions.  In fact, Cape Wind will make obsolete an old dirty oil-burning power plant with 420 megawatts of new clean electricity.

The Cape Wind project will protect residents, beaches and marine wildlife from pollution and help to slow global warming, which should be of top priority to residents of coastal areas like Cape Cod, Nantucket and Martha’s Vineyard.  It will also promote economic vitality in the region through the creation of green jobs.  This is the future of clean energy that we’ve been promised – and what America


Other contacts: Kert Davies, Research Director, [email protected], Molly Dorozenski, Media Officer (NY), [email protected], 917-864-3724 Daniel Kessler, Media Officer (CA), [email protected], 510-501-1779

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