Chertoff, Senators Presented with ‘Run for Your Life’ Sneakers

July 6, 2010


WHAT: Greenpeace will present Department of Homeland Security
Secretary Michael Chertoff, and members of the Senate Homeland
Security and Governmental Affairs committee with sneakers to
illustrate the vulnerability of Americans living near chemical
facilities. The sneakers will be delivered in red boxes with
plexiglass covers reading: “In case of emergency, break glass.

WHY: Four and a half years after the terrorist attacks of
September 11th, Americans would be surprised to learn that their
best form of protection may be their sneakers. Millions of
Americans are at risk because of government inaction to address the
vulnerability of chemical facilities. You will have no protection
from a chlorine gas cloud emitted by a chemical facility unless you
can run a seven-minute mile. According to the chemical industry’s
own estimates, a chlorine gas cloud can drift through a city at
seven mph – the approximate qualifying speed for the Boston
Marathon – and remain dangerous for 14 miles.

As late as 2005, the former Deputy Homeland Security advisor to
the President stated that the government had taken no action to
reduce terrorist risks to chemical facilities in the U.S. and that
it should be a number one priority. Of the more than 3,400 high
priority facilities that each put 1,000 people or more at risk in
the U.S., only 225 have switched to safe technologies.

On June 14th, Members of Congress will have an opportunity to
significantly increase public safety by voting to support Senator
Lautenberg’s (D-NJ) legislation (S.2486) requiring that high-risk
chemical facilities convert to safe and cost-effective technologies
and eliminate the risk of terrorist attack. In March, Secretary
Chertoff opposed this legislation at a forum sponsored by the
chemical industry.

WHEN: 9:50 – 11:00 a.m.  

WHERE: Dirksen Senate Office Building, Room 342, U.S. Senate
Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs, National
Emergency Management: Getting the Structure Right

Greenpeace toxics experts are available for interview.

Photos will be available at:

CONTACT: Jane Kochersperger, (202) 319-2493; (202) 415-5477,

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