Bush Remains out in the Cold on Climate Change at the G8 Summit

July 6, 2010

The Group of Eight communiqué issued by world leaders at their summit in Gleneagles today highlights the divisions between President Bush and the rest of the world on tackling climate change.

The communiqué includes a statement affirming that the countries
that have already ratified Kyoto would work to make it a success.
The United States is not a party to the Kyoto Protocol.  The
conference also saw a strong statement from significant developing
countries (the “G5” – Brazil, China, India, Mexico and South
Africa) supporting Kyoto and stating that a real commitment to
share sustainable energy technology with developing countries is

“Twelve of the countries attending this summit have emphasized
the need for tough targets to reduce CO2 emissions but Bush remains
isolated and alone in his refusal to act,” said Greenpeace
International climate campaigner, Stephanie Tunmore.

“There are still opportunities for real progress, the next being
through the UK presidency of the European Union at the first
Meeting of the Parties of the Kyoto Protocol in November in
Montreal. The seven other G8 leaders need to strengthen the
international position on the urgency of climate change and need to
implement strict targets.

“The failure of the G8 to speed up measures to tackle climate
change will undermine development in Africa. G8 nations have failed
to ‘join-the-dots’ between climate change and Africa and the
poorest in Africa will pay the price,” says Tunmore.

Africa lives on the frontline of global warming. Seventy percent
of Africans rely on mostly rain-fed agriculture for their
livelihoods. Climate change is already disrupting these vital rains
– bringing more droughts, floods and hunger.

Greenpeace criticized that the otherwise welcome debt
cancellation and increases in aid announced at Gleneagles are
linked to failed free trade policies. Greenpeace called on
governments not to rush into any further trade liberalization deals
at the World Trade Organization, but to use the United Nations
Millennium Review Summit in September to launch a complete social
and environmental review of the global trade regime.

Other contacts: Louise Edge, Greenpeace UK press officer
+ 44 78 01 212 993

Stephanie Tunmore, Greenpeace International climate campaigner,
+ 44 77 96 947 451

Daniel Mittler, Greepeace International political advisor,
(including on trade, aid and debt),
+ 49 171 876 5345

Cecilia Goin, Greenpeace International media officer
+ 31 621 296 908

Exp. contact date: 2005-08-08 00:00:00

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