Greenpeace Activists Blockade Paper Giant’s Canada H.Q.

July 6, 2010

TORONTO- Four Greenpeace activists locked down at the offices of Kleenex manufacturer Kimberly-Clark, while others broadcast chainsaw noises and dumped wood chips in the corridors to highlight the American company’s ongoing destruction of Canada’s magnificent Boreal Forest. This latest action follows a series of confrontations with Kimberly-Clark in Europe, the United States, and Canada in an ongoing international campaign to convince the world’s largest producer of tissue products to stop using virgin pulp from clear-cut ancient forests to make its Kleenex brand.

"It is unacceptable that this huge American company continues todestroy Canada's Boreal Forest -- one of the largest intactecosystems left on earth -- to make something that's used once andthen thrown away," said Christy Ferguson, Greenpeace Canada forestscampaigner, locked down inside Kimberly-Clark headquarters. "Becauseof this company, forests that have stood for hundreds of years areliterally being flushed down the toilet."In recent months Greenpeace has blockaded Kimberly-Clark facilitiesin Huntsville, Ontario; Everett, Washington; and Turin, Italy, allwith the clear demand that the company stop destroying ancientforests. Greenpeace will continue to use peaceful protest to disruptits operations. But despite these actions and the growing pressurefrom customers and investors in the form of contract cancellationsand shareholder resolutions, Kimberly-Clark executives have refusedto change their policies. All of the Kleenex brand products sold inNorth America are made from 100% virgin tree fiber, much of it fromunsustainably managed forests in Ontario and Alberta."Kimberly-Clark's executives want to continue with business asusual. Unfortunately, business as usual for them means taking one ofthe last great forests on earth, one of our best defenses againstglobal warming, and turning it into Kleenex and toilet paper," saidGinger Cassady, Greenpeace USA Forest Campaigner. "And that can goon no longer.  If it does, Greenpeace will continue its business asusual: peacefully demonstrating our commitment to protecting NorthAmerica's forests."Greenpeace is demanding that Kimberly-Clark dramatically increasethe use of recycled fiber in its entire line of products, and onlypurchase virgin fiber from logging operations that are sustainableand certified as meeting the strict standards of the ForestStewardship Council.Stretching from Newfoundland to the Yukon, Canada's Boreal Forestcomprises one quarter of the world's remaining intact ancientforests. As the world's largest land-based storehouse of carbon, theBoreal is essential in fighting global warming. The Boreal is hometo numerous First Nations, as well as hundreds of species of birdsand animals that are threatened by the loss of their habitat.

Notes: CONTACT: Steve Smith, Greenpeace USA Communications, (202) 465-5352
(cell); or Ginger Cassady, Greenpeace USA Forests Campaign, (415)

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