Greenpeace Calls For Senate to Delay Pruitt Vote in Light of Court Ruling

February 16, 2017


In response to news that an Oklahoma City court has ordered the release of EPA nominee Scott Pruitt’s emails with fossil fuel polluters, Greenpeace’s spokesperson Travis Nichols made the following comment:

“Scott Pruitt has been stonewalling efforts to release his emails with dirty fossil fuel companies for more than two years, and now that he has been ordered to release them, Republicans in the Senate are trying to rush his confirmation vote. This is a cowardly disgrace that, if allowed to proceed, will have dire consequences for the health of our water, our land, and our communities.

“Today’s ruling is just the sort of transparency that people have been demanding and that the Trump administration has been working desperately to cover up. Instead of allowing the release of these documents to inform their decision, the Senate is attempting to rush through a vote. The question is, what are they afraid of? The ‘see-no-evil’ approach is not going to work for America.

“Pruitt’s actions have already made it clear he wants to dismantle the EPA – as Oklahoma attorney general he sued the agency at least 14 times. His allegiance is clearly with the dirty energy giants who have supported him for years. The court has now mandated the public has a right to see these emails. If Scott Pruitt and his Republican backers have nothing to hide, then they should let this information see the light of day before they vote.”

Contact: Travis Nichols 206.802.8498


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