Greenpeace’s Reaction to Bush Administration’s Rollback of Protections for National Forests

July 6, 2010

Greenpeace issued the following statement today in opposition to the Bush administration’s decision to repeal the Roadless Area Conservation Rule enacted in 2001.

“More than four million comments have been submitted by the
American people voicing their overwhelming support to protect our
last remaining ancient forests.

But the pro-industry Bush administration continues to undermine
the ability of American people to have a voice in the way our
public lands are managed.”

“The Bush plan will strip protections for national forests that
were finalized in January 2001 after years of scientific study and
600 local public hearings. It was one of the largest land
conservation efforts since Theodore Roosevelt created the national
forest system 100 years ago, and now Bush is selling off our public
lands to corporate interests.”

“America’s forests provide clean water for communities, habitat
for thousands of animal and plant species, and economic
opportunities from tourism and recreation like fishing and camping.
They are a public trust too valuable to be destroyed.

“Under the Bush plan being released today, protections against
new road building, logging, mining and industrial development in
national forests will become voluntary. No matter how the
administration talks about this plan, Americans shouldn’t be
fooled. Their forests are up for sale.”

Other contacts: Jane Kochersperger, Media Officer
(202) 319-2493 (direct); (202) 415-5477 (cell)

Ginger Cassady, Forest Campaigner
(415) 640-7155 (cell)

Exp. contact date: 2005-06-06 00:00:00

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