Greenpeace statement on the vote on the Comprehensive American Energy Security & Taxpayer Protection Act H.R. 6899

July 6, 2010

Washington--In response to the vote on the Comprehensive American Energy Security & Taxpayer Protection Act H.R. 6899, Greenpeace USA Executive Director, John Passacantando, issued the following statement:

  “The vote to expand offshore
drilling is not about the economy, it is not about the environment,
it is not about solutions. It is about politics, and nothing more.
Increased drilling will help no one but Big Oil. Even with
additional access to thousands
of miles of public land, Big Oil
wants more. It is time Congress stood up and said enough is

“If Congress really wants to help
American consumers cope with high gas prices while stopping global
warming, it should enact legislation that:

“Immediately ends the massive tax
breaks for Big Oil and returns that money to taxpayers to help them
offset rising fuel costs and reduce future costs by investing in
new fuel efficient cars or tuning up their old ones;

“Doubles the average fuel
efficiency of existing cars to at least 50 miles per gallon to
reduce our vulnerability to future oil shocks;

“Substantially invest in our
public transportation infrastructure so people have more and better

“Finally, while the bill makes
good steps in efficiency and renewable energy, Congress must
provide more robust incentives for these technologies that drives
the transition to a clean energy economy and creates jobs here at
home. These options will save consumers money and help curb the
climate crisis.”


Other contacts: CONTACT: Mike Crocker, Greenpeace USA, 202-215-8989; Kate Smolski Greenpeace USA, 202-415-3105

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