Leaked EPA Cuts Show Trump is Still a Disaster Despite Fancy Speech

Greenpeace Calls Proposals 'Environmental Racism in Action'


March 1, 2017

Washington DC – In response to the leaked proposals to cut specific programs at the Environmental Protection Agency, Greenpeace spokesperson Travis Nichols said:

“The Trump administration clearly sees corporations as its true constituents, not the people of this country. For decades, the Environmental Protection Agency has helped protect people’s health and safety when corporations have put them in danger, and the Trump administration now wants to undo all of that. These proposed cuts negate any goodwill Trump may have shown during his Congressional address, including his empty promises to promote clean air and water. While this “zero out” strategy would impact nearly every community in the United States, a close examination shows the burden of these cuts will fall hardest on the health of low-income Americans and people of color.  This is environmental racism in action.

“Zeroing out the implementation of the Clean Power Plan will make it difficult, if not impossible for the US to keep its commitment in Paris, as will cutting 14 voluntary climate change partnerships. It will also lead to an increase in asthma and premature deaths, particularly in dense urban areas.

“Alaskan Native villages, already stressed by declining winter ice and rising sea levels, will have fewer defenses as they hold the front line on climate change. These communities need more funds to relocate and zeroing out this fund would put them at even more risk.

“Last night’s speech to Congress will not be the last time Trump covers up the harm he is inflicting on this country’s people with a moderate tone and empty words. These proposed cuts show we can’t be fooled by speeches and must continue to resist the Trump administration’s disastrous agenda.”

Contact: Travis Nichols [email protected] 206.802.8498



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