New Green Scorecard Includes TVs & Computer Games

July 6, 2010

Greenpeace today released the sixth edition of its ‘Guide to Greener Electronics,’ that has been expanded to include televisions and computer games. The guide ranks consumer electronic companies based on the removal of toxic chemicals from their products and company recycling initiatives. Market leaders Microsoft, Nintendo, Philips and Sharp enter at the bottom of the ranking of environmental performance with Nintendo being the first company to score zero out of a possible 10 points. Philips and Microsoft performed little better, scoring only 2 and 2.7, respectively.

The global computer games sector shipped 62.7 million units in
2006. Growth of 14.9 percent in 2006 made it one of the fastest
developing sectors in the field of electronic products. The low
scores from leading manufacturers Nintendo and Microsoft reveal
that they have a long way to go to improve their environmental
policies and practices.

“While it’s encouraging to see Sharp and Microsoft providing
timelines for the complete elimination of vinyl plastic (PVC) and
all brominated flame retardants (BFRs) across their entire product
range, makers of TVs and computer games have a long way to go,”
said Iza Kruszewska, toxics campaigner at Greenpeace

The new edition of the quarterly guide shows important changes
at the top of the ranking. Sony Ericsson has taken over the top
spot from Nokia while Samsung and Sony have surged ahead to occupy
second and third positions.

However, Nokia, Motorola and Sony Ericsson each received penalty
points for not fully honoring their own recycling take-back
policies in the Philippines, Thailand, Argentina, Russia and India.
As a result, Nokia falls from top position to ninth and Motorola
drops from ninth position to fourteenth. Greenpeace tested
implementation of product take-back programs  in the United States,
the Philippines, Thailand, Russia, Argentina and India.

“Companies shouldn’t be under any illusions that Greenpeace
won’t check up on their claims of green greatness,” warned

Apple, Panasonic, Samsung, Sharp, Sony and Toshiba have recently
indicated that they now produce personal computers, lighting LCD
panels, camcorders and digital cameras – or at least major
components of these items – free of PVC and/or BFRs.

Firms that have improved their ranking in the Greenpeace guide
are those whose entire products, or major components of products,
are entirely free of specified hazardous ingredients. Companies
that simply commit to eliminating harmful chemicals sometime in the
future achieve a lower score.

“To achieve higher rankings, companies really need to walk the
talk instead of making vague commitments to future progress,” said
Rick Hind, Legislative Director of the Greenpeace toxics campaign
in the U.S.  “Environmental leadership and innovation are  evident
as companies put products on the market free of hazardous chemicals
and institute recycling take-back programs which are actually
operational,” said Hind.

VVPR info: Rick Hind, Greenpeace USA legislative toxics director, Tel: +1 202 319 2445;
Jane Kochersperger, Greenpeace USA communications, Tel: +1 202 680 3798

Notes: The sixth edition of Greenpeace International’s ‘Guide to Greener
Electronics’ is available at:

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