President’s Budget Tackles Global Warming

July 6, 2010

Statement of Steven Biel, Global Warming Campaign Director on the Release of the President's Budget:

WASHINGTON==”By including revenue from a cap-and-auction legislation in his budget, President Obama has sent a bold, make-no-mistake sign that he intends to fulfill his campaign pledge to enact comprehensive global warming legislation.

“While the President’s commitment to mandatory limits on global warming emissions has never been clearer, we urge him to adopt stronger pollution reduction targets to fully address the threat. To minimize the risk of catastrophic global warming, the science shows that we must cut domestic emissions by at least 20-25% by 2020. We also urge the President not to waste scarce time or resources chasing the myth of “clean coal.”

“The good news is that we can achieve these goals while growing the economy, creating jobs and completely phasing out coal and other dirty energy sources. In fact, solving the economic crisis and solving global warming go hand-in-hand. Investments in renewable energy and energy efficiency create 3-4 times more jobs than fossil fuels, and, long-term, meeting America’s energy needs with renewable power will cost almost half as much as continued dependence on fossil fuels.”

CONTACT: Mike Crocker, Greenpeace USA Media Officer, 202-319-2471

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