Response to MN Commerce Dept.’s Testimony on Line 3 Pipeline

September 11, 2017

People Over Pipelines NoKXL

September 11, 2017
San Francisco, CA

In response to the Minnesota Department of Commerce’s comprehensive analysis and testimony articulating the lack of necessity or economic benefit of Enbridge’s Line 3 Replacement Pipeline to the state of Minnesota, Greenpeace USA Senior Pipeline Campaigner Rachel Butler said:

“The Commerce Department’s analysis reiterates what the movement to stop Line 3 has been saying all along. Nobody wants or needs this pipeline but Enbridge executives. The pipeline would expose Indigenous and local communities to new and extreme threats to water and public health, and people everywhere would see an accelerated risk of devastation from climate change. The Public Utilities Commission should listen to its state’s own economic experts, who have joined Minnesotan communities in demonstrating that there is no business case for Line 3.

“The peaceful Indigenous and locally-led movement to stop tar sands pipelines will continue to show the same is true for the Keystone XL, Kinder Morgan Trans Mountain, and Energy East pipelines. The Minnesota Commerce Department’s expert analysis should reveal to those who have not been paying attention that all four proposed tar sands pipelines face significant material risk–and that they should not be built.”

Contact Jason Schwartz, 347.452.3752, [email protected]


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