State of the Union Address Seals Bush’s Legacy of Failure On Global Warming and Energy

July 6, 2010

“President Bush has courted disaster and misled the nation while the welfare of billions of people at risk from global warming hangs in the balance. From his empty campaign promises to address global warming to his unfulfilled pledge to end America’s addiction to oil, Bush leaves a legacy of neglect, obstruction, and destruction. Under his watch, greenhouse gas emissions have increased as the United States’ reputation has plummeted. The damage to both the environment and the U.S.’s international standing will take years to undo.

“Rather than offer real solutions to
global warming, the President has repeatedly kowtowed to the oil and energy
industries by sowing confusion on the science and offering policies that are
comparable to throwing a thimble-full of water on a raging fire.

“Tonight’s speech contains no new
initiatives on global warming. Instead, the President recycles more of the
same: more subsidies for dirty coal and dangerous nuclear power and, for old
time’s sake, one last try effort to open Alaska’s
pristine National Wildlife Refuge to oil drilling.

“With the President abdicating
responsibility on the issue, a growing bipartisan

consensus supporting a deep economy-wide cap on emissions has formed in
Congress. Virtually all the leading candidates to replace him support strong
action on climate change. We urge Congress to lay the groundwork for speedy
progress on the issue in preparation for a new administration.

“President Bush will be remembered not for vision or
leadership in a time of climate crisis, but for leaving America out of
the race for innovative solutions. 
Greenpeace applauds the President’s address tonight not for its style,
substance or eloquence, but for the fact that it his last.”

VVPR info: CONTACT: Jane Kochersperger, Greenpeace Media Office in the U.S., (202) 680-3798, cell

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