Trump Admin: “We’re Not Spending Money on Climate Change Anymore,” Greenpeace Response

March 16, 2017

In response to Trump Administration Budget Director Mick Mulvaney’s statement that “We are not spending money on climate change anymore. We view it as a waste of your money,” Greenpeace spokesperson Travis Nichols said:


“The Trump administration and United States taxpayers will spend money on climate change, the question is when. If the Trump administration invests in clean energy and a just transition away from fossil fuels now, the costs will be significantly lower and in fact will likely net a sizable return. If, on the other hand, the Trump administration continues to invest in the fossil fuels that make climate change catastrophically worse, then we will spend billions more dollars on disaster relief, infrastructure repairs, military interventions, food scarcity response, global health crises, and the myriad other things climate change will disrupt. This budget and the thinking that produced it are anti-American and backwards thinking at best. It’s a budget for the Stone Age, not the 21st century. It’s now up to the people of this country to tell Congress that deleting the phrase ‘climate change’ from the budget won’t change the science or the reality.”

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