Trump announces U.S. “withdrawal” from Paris Climate Agreement – Greenpeace response

June 1, 2017

Washington DC, 1 June 2017 – In response to multiple reports that Donald Trump is withdrawing the United States from the Paris Climate Agreement, Greenpeace USA Executive Director Annie Leonard said:

“This is disgraceful. By withdrawing from the Paris Climate Agreement, the Trump administration has turned America from a global climate leader into a global climate deadbeat. The world has already resolved to act on climate, the renewable energy industry is growing exponentially, and people all over the globe are becoming part of the clean energy future. Progress will continue with or without Donald Trump, but he is making it as painful as possible for people around the world. He can’t cancel a multilateral treaty signed by nearly 200 sovereign nations, but this decision shows he is determined to keep America stuck in the fossil fuel past while China and other nations become 21st century leaders.

“Trump’s isolationist stance at this critical moment in history is morally reprehensible, but his attempt to derail global progress on climate change will fail. The Paris Agreement will remain in force, with or without the US government, and the transition to clean energy will continue.

“The extremist Trump administration clearly has no idea the vast majority of people support the Paris Climate Agreement, nor do they seem to care that Americans will suffer the consequences of this fossil fuel giveaway. This is a decision only someone in a billionaire’s bubble would make. Donald Trump will clearly never know what it feels like to worry about if his house will survive the next superstorm, if his livelihood will be destroyed by climate change, or if climate-fuelled droughts and floods will make his day-to-day life harder. He’s an out of touch billionaire selling out America — and the world — for profit. It is up to each one of us to protect each other, to fight for each other, and to resist the ways in which Donald Trump threatens America. This only strengthens our resolve to act on climate.”

For interviews and analysis, contact: Travis Nichols [email protected]206.802.8498

Images from Rose Garden (when available):

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