Search results for agr

  • Cool farming (Summary Version): Climate impacts of agriculture and mitigation potential

    April 17, 2009

    Agriculture is one of the largest emitters of greenhouse gases. Greenpeace’s report, "Cool Farming," details the destructive practices resulting from industrial agriculture and presents workable solutions to help reduce its contribution to climate change. These practical changes will benefit the environment as well as farmers and consumers throughout the world.

  • Amazon Deforestation Agreement

    January 21, 2009

    Brasília, Brazil - October 03, 2007 - Nine non-governmental organizations, including Greenpeace, today launched a proposal for a national agreement to end Amazon deforestation at an event attended by the Brazilian Minister of Environment and State Governors. The proposal aims to achieve a broad commitment from sectors of the Brazilian government and civil society for measures to ensure urgent protection for the Amazon rainforest.

  • Cool farming: Climate impacts of agriculture and mitigation potential

    January 7, 2008

    Agriculture is one of the largest emitters of greenhouse gases. Greenpeace’s report, "Cool Farming," details the destructive practices resulting from industrial agriculture and presents workable solutions to help reduce its contribution to climate change. These practical changes will benefit the environment as well as farmers and consumers throughout the world.

  • Deep, Deep Trouble: Regional Fisheries Management Organisations, the UN Fish Stocks Agreement and the Regulation of High Seas Bottom Trawling

    February 26, 2006

    Late last year, the United Nations General Assembly in its Fisheries Resolution expressed concern at the loss of sharks, albatross, fin-fish species and marine turtles as a result of incidental mortality, vulnerability of shark populations to over-exploitation, fishing overcapacity, illegal and unreported fishing, excessive bycatch, and the effects of destructive fishing activities on vulnerable marine ecosystems. It then tasked Regional Fisheries Management Organizations (RFMOs) with the responsibility of addressing these issues. Yet these issues have developed despite the existence of RFMOs, and the record of RFMOs in addressing these issues is far from reassuring, and there are structural and functional barriers to RFMOs addressing the issues in the future unless major reforms are implemented.
